fat reduction

- Cryofit Protocol -

Medical cryolipolysis -10°C

Looking for a non-surgical solution for localised fat reduction?

Medical cryolipolysis is a non-invasive body reshaping treatment indicated for the treatment of fat deposits.

In 2010, the US FDA approved the technique in the reduction of localised fat in the lateral area of the abdomen (love handles), and then extended its indication to the abdomen, thighs, underchin and other parts of the body

By cooling the adipose tissue cells (adipocytes) down to a temperature of -10°C, Medical Cryolipolysis permanently reduces excess fat without resorting to surgery.

Unlike that available in beauty salons, medical cryolipolysis operates at -10°C and can only be prescribed by a doctor after a personalised anamnesis.

The strength of our CRYOFIT protocol is to combine medical cryolipolysis with other non-surgical aesthetic medicine treatments, selected by the doctor according to the needs of each patient. .

High uniqueness of our approach is the CONTRACT OF TRUST: we guarantee full reimbursement of expenses in case of lack of results..

When it is indicated

There are areas where localized fat deposits are more difficult to eliminate, even in the presence of a correct diet and moderate sporting activity.

In these cases the efforts seem in vain and one feels discouraged.

Here in these cases medical Cryolipolysis comes to our aid, which allows us to affect the body fat resistant to other non-invasive methods.

Localized fat deposits on the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, buttocks and under the chin can be treated.

In addition to medical cryolipolysis, only surgical liposuction is applied.

What is it about

First of all, the patient must first be visited by a doctor in order to verify the applicability of the cryolipolysis technique and to set the technical parameters of the case.

A special moistened membrane is then applied to the area affected by the accumulation of fat which has the function of protecting the tissue during the treatment and guaranteeing perfect adhesion of the suction handpieces to the skin. The two hollow handpieces connected to the machine then suck in the adipose tissue to be treated. Inside the handpieces there are two metal plates capable of drastically lowering the temperature of the adipose tissue down to -10 °C. This operation leads to the freezing of the adipocytes, inducing a metabolic process called APOPTOSIS. Magnetic impulses and superficial electrical discharges, imperceptible due to the anesthesia induced by the cold, ensure deep local biostimulation and optimal blood circulation.


∧ before ∧

∨ after ∨


The first results generally begin to be noticed 15-20 days after the treatment because the adipocytes undergoing apoptosis emit signals that progressively attract macrophages over time.

The metabolizing activity of the adipocytes in apoptosis, through the lymphatic system by the macrophages, proceeds in the following 6-8 weeks..

The results reach their aesthetic peak after about two months.

Generally, one or two sessions of medical cryolipolysis are sufficient to obtain satisfactory and definitive results.

After treatments

Neck and Chin

The treatment with Crioliposculpt in the neck and under the chin area, thanks to the combined action of the vacuum effect, cold at -10°C and high intensity superficial electrical impulses, produces the following effects:

  • induces the production of new collagen
  • favors the desired remodeling
  • stimulates the production of new blood vessels
  • improves circulation
  • reduces fat deposits
  • stimulates the muscles

Male Pseudogynecomastia (Lipomastia)

Male pseudogynecomastia is given by the increase in male breast volume due to an increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue.

It too can be treated with medical cryolipolysis using the innovative small-sized handpieces.

NUTRITION PREVENTION is one of the very few medical centers in Italy to have equipped itself with the new microhandpieces for the treatment of small localized fat deposits, such as those in the neck area, knees, submental area and male gynecomastia (pseudogynecomastia).

Medical Cryolipolysis -10°c
Evident Results With Only One Sessiona

Medical cryolipolysis... fact or fiction?

In the image, a concrete example that demonstrates what benefits can be obtained after just one treatment.

It is possible to appreciate the considerable reduction of localized fat .


Thanks to Cryoliposculpt ® technology we carry ou effective and safe cryolipolysis treatments in a non-invasive way.

Our medical platform has stood out for its effectiveness, surpassing all cryolipolysis on the market.

Our medical platform has stood out for its effectiveness, surpassing all cryolipolysis on the market. video

Courtesy of Biotec Italia Medical

Video Testimonials

Do you want to know if Medical Cryolipolysis is suitable for your needs? Fill out the form, we will contact you within 24 hours.

Why Us ?

Because ONLY WE sign the "TRUST CONTRACT **" with the patient: a legal document that guarantees reimbursement of all expenses if no circumference is reduced in the treated areas (weight being equal).

Because our experience has allowed us to integrate Medical Cryolipolysis interventions into a more complete and effective protocol, without extra costs!

This is what our non-invasive medical protocol provides:

  • Preliminary medical or aesthetic examination
  • Pre-treatment photo, measurement of weight and circumferences, signing of the "TRUST CONTRACT **"
  • Medical cryolipolysis interventions (Crioliposculpt ® )
  • Medical Cavitation or Carboxytherapy interventions (customization based on the patient)
  • Vaculase ® sessions or manual massage o EM-SCULPT (customization based on the patient)
  • 60-day follow-up visit with post-treatment photos, weight measurement and circumference reduction

FREE, a precious Handbook of healthy and useful nutritional advice for weight loss

Localized fat solution


  • 1 Preliminary medical or aesthetic examination
  • 1 Pre-treatment photo, measurement of weight and circumferences
  • 1 Medical Cryolipolysis Procedures (Crioliposculpt® )
  • 3 Medical Cavitation or Carboxytherapy interventions (customization based on the patient)
  • 1 session of Vaculase ® or manual massage o EM-SCULPT (customization based on the patient)
  • 1 60-day follow-up visit with post-treatment photos, weight measurement and circumference reduction

FREE, a precious Handbook of healthy and useful nutritional advice for weight loss

It is possible to dilute the expense in 6 / 12 monthly installments.

Localized fat solution x3


  • 1 Preliminary medical or aesthetic examination
  • 1 Pre-treatment photo, measurement of weight and circumferences, signing of the "TRUST CONTRACT **"
  • 3 Medical Cryolipolysis Procedures (Crioliposculpt® )
  • 9 Medical Cavitation or Carboxytherapy interventions (customization based on the patient)
  • 3 sessions of Vaculase® or manual massage o EM-SCULPT (customization based on the patient)
  • 1 60-day follow-up visit with post-treatment photos, weight measurement and circumference reduction

"CONTRACT OF TRUST **": a legal document that guarantees the reimbursement of all the expenses incurred in the event that no reduction in circumference is obtained in the treated areas (except for weight increases between the preparatory visit and the follow-up visit).

FREE, a precious Handbook of healthy and useful nutritional advice for weight loss

It is possible to dilute the expense in 6 / 12 monthly installments.

** Full refund in the event of no reduction in the circumferences in the treated areas, except for weight gain between treatment and check-up.

Are you interested in booking a visit to find out if MEDICAL CRYOLIPOLYSIS is right for you?
Fill out this form: we will call you back within 24 hours


At the end of the treatment, the area shows a slight hypersensitivity and a slight redness that disappear in a very short time..

The patient can resume his normal daily activities within 10-15 minutes of the end of the Cryolipolysis session.


The reduction of localized adiposity through medical cryolipolysis, in order to maintain and maximize the results achieved, should always be associated with compliance with a balanced lifestyle, consisting of a healthy diet, adequate motor activity and a condition of limited psychological stress.


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